Rich Rolls advice on Iron with a plant based diet

Food, April 27, 2015

You hear it all the time -"Vegans are anemic". It's simply not true that eating a plant based diet will lead to low Iron levels and anemia.

Iron is a component of haemoglobin (protein found in blood - acts as a transporter carrying O2 through the blood to out tissues). Anemia is a decrease in the body's red blood cell count (reduction in blood haemoglobin) which negatively effects the bodies ability to transport O2. Symptoms are weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, and poor concentration.

Dietary Iron is available in 2 forms - Heme, and non-heme. Heme is found in meat and dairy and is most readily absorbable. Non-heme is the only source of iron in plants and it isn't as readily absorbable. Hence it's assumed that leads to anemia. However there are studies to show that the incidence of anemia among vegetarians and vegans is no higher than the general population (R.Obeid, J.Geisel, et al, "The impact of Vegetarianism on some Haematological Parameters," European Journal of Haematology, 2002, 69 : 275-79). This is due to the fact that so many plant based foods happen to be high in Iron, and having a good variety you should have no issues in regards to anemia.

Rich Roll and other vegan endurance athletes (that are doing far more training than we are) with a little planning have no issues consuming the recommended daily allowance of 18mg. 

Here are Rich Rolls top tips.........

1) Combine Iron intake with Vit C - non-heme iron is significantly enhanced when ingested with foods with a high Vit C content (up to 6 fold!) Coral and I have red pepper (high in Vit C combined with green leafy vegetables) Another great tip munch on some pumpkin seeds (good Iron source) with your fruit.

2) Avoid coffee and tea at mealtimes - The tannins in tea and coffee impede the bodies ability to absorb iron up to 50-60%. Don't drink these an hour either side of your meal.

3) VIt B12 supplemntation - Vit B12 is another component required to generate red blood cells. This is one essential nutrient that simply can't be found in the plant kingdom.This is really the only supplement I take. Most health food stores will have it. Also almond and coconut milk (check labels) are generally fortified with this vitamin.

Plant Based foods high in Iron                                Iron Content (mg)

Pumpkin Seeds (1/2 cup)                                        20.7
Sesame seeds (1 cup)                                              7.4
Blackstrap Molasses (2 tbsp)                                  7.2
Sundried Tomatoes (100g)                                     9.1
Lentils (1 cup)                                                           6.6
Quinoa (1 cup)                                                         6.3    
Black beans (1 cup)                                                 3.6
Potato (1 med size)                                                 3.2

Hopefully this article clears up any misconception about the inability to get enough Iron in your food if you are predominately plant based.  Remember your food is the cornerstone to your health and wellness, and your health is intrinsically linked to your ability to perform.  Strive to do better with every bite. Strive to be everfit.